
Monday, 31 March 2014

April Inversion.

As part of my new year goals I said I would do the inversion challenge once a month but I've either been busy, or haven't completed it. This month I'm determined to give it a proper try.

If you don't know what it is continue reading, but some people gain an inch or more in one week.

Here is my before picture, which shows that my hair has retained an inch since January so i've lost about 1/2 an inch from breakage which I have now corrected:

Friday, 28 March 2014

Help! I don't know what to do with my child's curly hair.

I get a lot of Emails and comments from mothers and fathers who have no idea how to care for their curly/ multiracial/ mixed hair, and I can totally sympathise as my mother (who has fine, bone straight hair) had NO clue what to do with my hair when I was a child.

Saturday, 22 March 2014

Design Essentials STS has caused a set back?

Hi all, my dissertation is in so I'm having a little break before starting revision for my final year exams. I have been meaning to post this for a lonnnggg time  so here goes.

Some of you will remember that I got a treatment by design essentials called the Strengthening Therapy System or STS. You can read about it here. I loved it and even bought a bottle of it so I could do it at home!

Recently, I had a look over photos of my hair for 2013 and noticed my lack of progress. Here I try to work out if it's due to this system or something else.