
Sunday, 9 June 2013


If you're following me on twitter you would have seen that today was the first #brownbeauty talk on twitter. If you're not following me use the social media icons on the right to do so. As the photo below shows (click read more) its about Black and Asian women in the beauty industry. It will be every Sunday at 8pm (English time). It was very interesting to hear everyones opinions on matters that concern women of colour (WOC) and i'd like to thank all those involved.

During the conversation there were many discussions, I wasn't able to follow them all but here are a selection of what was discussed with a few replies.

Why do you think this happens?

The importance of social media and blogging was also discussed.

How important do you think social media is for brands and for consumers?

A new brand known as BeBOX which is a monthly subscription box catered to WOC
(like glossy box or birch box) was also involved in the talk which led onto the discussion of beauty boxes.

What do you all think of beauty boxes and how would you improve them?

Overall I really enjoyed the discussion and encourage you all to join in next week. These tweets were just a few of many many tweets.


  1. Wow, I totally agree with one fellow tweet, "brands start out owned by women of color but they are bought out once they become successful" which is sad but more than likely true. Aside that, I think beauty boxes targeted for WOC is a great idea because it gives them a chance to try products that can perhaps agree with their hair. Instead of the Suave, Tresemme, and what have you. Great discussion!

    xo S.

    1. The discussions definitely were interesting! I'm really excited for the beauty boxes for WOC! Exactly.

