
Sunday, 4 August 2013

How to make Mixed Hair "Normal"

When I was looking through how people have found my blog through google I found that someone had searched "how to make mixed hair normal" this really upset me and i'm sure it would upset most people finding that a part of them, a part of their race is something they don't consider "normal".

Once upon a time it's possible I would've wished and possible googled how to make my hair straight, but straight hair isn't "normal" hair. What even is normal?

Having curly/ kinky/ coily/ textured hair is part of who we are and it is "normal". At this point I will say that straightening or relaxing textured hair doesn't have to mean you hate it however.

If you're looking to make your hair 'normal' it's not a magic conditioner, pill or flat iron you need. It's a change in attitude. Your hair is normal. You need to learn to love your hair and I think the best way to do so is to learn to look after it properly. This starts with an understanding of healthy. Here is the first post from my Newbie Series.

I also think it's really important to find role models with stunning hair, and the best way to do so is to follow boards on Pinterest and Instagram. Seeing beautiful ladies with similar hair texture to you can make you realise that you should love your hair!

Importantly, don't forget you are not alone. You are not the only person in the world with curly hair, you are not the only person in the world with huge hair and you are not the only person in the world that struggles with your hair. Why not have a look at some hair forums such as longhaircareform and hairlista.

Finally, watch this!

What advice would you give to girls struggling with their hair?


  1. Lovely post Chantelle. I agree some people just need a change in attitude. There's no such thing as 'normal' hair x

  2. Just like fingerprints everyone's hair is different there is no such thing as good fingerprints so no such thing as good or normal hair so love your hair no matter what it looks like.

  3. Great post!
    Hopefully that person who googled will grow to accept and love their hair the way you have. We all have to start somewhere! :)

    Britt @ One&20

  4. Thanks for this post! I love curly hair - the bigger the better. My hair is quite straight, but my daughter has mixed hair and I love it!
