
Thursday, 24 April 2014

Updated hair routine

I shampoo my hair with a non-sulphate shampoo twice. I only put shampoo on the roots of my hair so I don't dry out my ends. Mostly, I shampoo my hair twice to be sure it's clean. Next I condition my hair with a a slippery conditioner, I often go for a mild protein conditioner in order to keep my hair strong.

Next I deep condition my hair, for the most part I use my staple deep conditioner which you can read about here.

I leave this in my hair for a minimum of forty five minutes and then detangle my hair before washing it out.

I style my hair in lots of different styles depending on what i'm doing. 

When I chose to go for no heat styles I first add my leave ins, this typically includes one of my favourites but mixed roots, which you can read about here with a little bit of something protein based.

I very rarely let my hair air dry and leave it completely. In other words, I do not "wash and go" Instead I put my hair in a protective style to stop it rubbing against my clothes and to avoid manipulation about 60-70% of the time. My chosen protective style is normally a messy bun. 

I often use limited heat when I'm in a rush, when I don't have time to let my hair air dry.

When using any heat it's important to use products which are suitable for use with heat. Lets not forget the horrible, yet amusing, video of a girl who literally burnt her hair off. This is most likely because she used products which should not be used with heat. For this reason I use various products which aim to strengthen and protect hair with heat usage such as Aveda.. and aphogee..

Once i've added my favourite products to my hair I'll blow dry my hair and normally put it in a protective style.

Although this style uses limited heat, it's still damaging so I do my best to go for completely no heat styles more often and I always use a heat protectant.
I like to straighten or flat iron my hair often. In this case I do not blow dry my hair, I'll either leave it over night or let it air dry. As some of you may know my current flat iron is the steam pod. I absolutely love it but it requires I use certain products and technics which you can read about here.

It's hard for me to quantify how much I actually straighten my hair as it all depends on what is going on in my life. For example, whilst I'm revising or writing a big piece of course work I won't straighten my hair. If I'm going out a lot I will straighten it more often. I straighten my hair around once every 2-3 weeks and occasionally I will do a few touch ups although I tend to avoid them.

When my hair is curly I put it in a pineapple, and when it's straightened I put it in a bun or flexi rods.
I'll occasionally use different methods such as hot oil treatments, hard protein treatments or something completely different.

Is your routine similar? What should I do differently?


  1. a good read... keep it up

  2. Looking forward to hearing how your hair loves your updated routine. I love Aphogee products!

  3. I have also been on a no heat challenge, made it past 4 months now. However, I have completely forgotten how to deal with heat.
    I like your routine, I have always been eyeballing the mixed roots and macadamia oil products, will definitely give them a try!

    1. Wow thats admirable! I don't know how ill ever get that far to be completely honest.

  4. Check out curly penny on youtube for great idea's!

  5. i bleached my hair , & I'm mixed with black & white but now it doesn't curl at all & i don't know what to do with it ..

  6. A bunch of very nice information. Thanks !!

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