Tuesday, 27 November 2012

My New Favourite Oil/ Product

I've recently been looking at different oils to seal my hair with. So I searched around on youtube and found this lady:

She has wonderful hair and she uses grapeseed oil at night. After looking around I've found that grapeseed oil is a light oil which keeps hair soft and hydrated. Not only is it good for your hair its also good for skin and apparently good to cook with as well.

Every night i've started putting on my hair moisturiser and a penny sized amount for grape seed oil in my hair. I wake up with soft and moisturised hair. The oil is odourless, light and cheap.

So you're interested. Which Grapeseed oil should you buy?
The greener the oil the better as it means it has been filtered less and isnt watered down. Although I have had some trouble with finding really green looking oil in England and therefore just went for a small bottle I found on Ebay. If I find a better one I will write a post about it.

What about Grapeseed oil on skin?
Once I've cleaned by face at night I put a very small amount of the oil on my face and sleep. At first it feels like a serum although it takes a while to soak in, and therefore I do not recommend using it in the day. The next day my face looks really smooth and feels soft. Im still experimenting with it so will keep you all updated.

Pictured: Jasmine Saunders
Youtube guru mentioned: SistaWithRealHair

Sunday, 25 November 2012

How to stop hair feeling dry

For hair to retain length and be healthy and long it needs to stay moisturised.

There are a few steps to keep hair feeling silky and soft and to avoid dry, crunchy, breaking hair.

  1. Deep condition your hair with a moisturising conditioner once a week.
  2. Every night add a leave in hair moisturiser in your hair. My current choice is R n B by Lush. 
  3. Add a light oil to your hair to 'seal' in the moisturiser. I suggest using a natural oil such as grapeseed oil avoid synthetic oils i.e. oils made by company's. Just add a small amount to your hair over the moisturiser
Don't worry if your hair looks greasy overnight it will all sin in leaving your hair looking beautiful.

Dont forget you should avoid using heat when using natural oils, especially coconut oil/olive oil.

Doing this every night will not only make your hair silky, smooth and without frizz but it will make your curls look more defines whether natural or not. 
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