Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Where have I been?

I haven't posted in about 6 months!

But I am alive! I have just had a lot of life changes over the last few months. I've sat my university exams, written a dissertation, graduated from university, got my first graduate job, broken my wrist, and generally been enjoying myself.

I'm going to start this up again slowly but please bare with me - I'm also off travelling for a few months in February!


  1. Glad to hear you are okay now!

  2. Good to know you are alright!

  3. Good to know you're okay. Congrats on graduating and the new job x

  4. Congrats on graduating. You have definitely been missed!

  5. Welcome back! What happened with the other blog? 31 May something?

    1. Hi!
      I'll be updating shortly! I'm off travelling for a few months so will put that information there!

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